All posts by john

Massachusetts Alliance of Retired Americans April State Board Meeting

Please note that April's Alliance Board meeting has been changed to the FOURTH THURSDAY this month.  May's Board and Membership meeting will be on the 4th Thursday of that month but in Boston. Hopefully the notices will alert all to the changes. Location and Time: Thursday, Ap... Read more

Massachusetts Alliance of Retired Americans State Board Meeting

Thanks to everyone who was able to participate in one of the Working People's Day of Action events around the state.  All members are welcome to the March Board meeting of the Massachusetts Alliance of Retired Americans. We will discuss the various reports from the different Day... Read more

All Out for Working People’s DAY OF ACTION

Monday,  February 26, 2018, the Massachusetts Alliance will be joining union and community activists in locations throughout the Commonwealth to stand for the rights of working people to create unions and fight for a decent life.  We will be highlighting the stakes in the Janus... Read more

February 15 Board Meeting

All members are welcome to the February Board meeting of the Massachusetts Alliance of Retired Americans.  We will discuss the campaigns we are involved in to defend retiree health care at the state and federal levels. We will also look at the impact on Massachusetts seniors of ... Read more