Alliance Wins Victory With Repeal of WEP/GPO
January 23, 2025: Bette Marafino, President of the Connecticut Alliance and Co-Chair of the National WEP/GPO Repeal Task Force, introduced President Biden before he signed the Social Security Fairness Act, H.R. 82, into law during a special ceremony at the White H...Read more >
KFF Health News: Biden Administration Bars Medical Debt From Credit Scores
January 08, 2025: The federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Tuesday issued new regulations barring medical debts from American credit reports, enacting a major new consumer protection just days before President Joe Biden is set to leave office. The rules ...Read more >
KFF Health News: Resources Are Expanding for Older Adults on Their Own
December 13, 2024: Jeff Kromrey, 69, will sit down with his daughter the next time she visits and show her how to access his online accounts if he has an unexpected health crisis. Gayle Williams-Brett, 69, plans to tackle a project she’s been putting off for month...Read more >
KFF Health News: The Burden of Getting Medical Care Can Exhaust Older Patients
March 27, 2024: Susanne Gilliam, 67, was walking down her driveway to get the mail in January when she slipped and fell on a patch of black ice. Pain shot through her left knee and ankle. After summoning her husband on her phone, with difficulty she made it back ...Read more >
House Budget Committee Advances “Fiscal Commission” Legislation
January 19, 2024: On Thursday, the House Budget Committee approved three pieces of legislation that pave the way for cuts to Social Security and Medicare: the Fiscal Commission Act (H.R. 5779), the Fiscal State of the Nation Act (H.R. 6952), and the Debt-to-GDP Transp...Read more >
KFF Health News: America’s Health System Isn’t Ready for the Surge of Seniors With Disabilities
January 17, 2024: The number of older adults with disabilities — difficulty with walking, seeing, hearing, memory, cognition, or performing daily tasks such as bathing or using the bathroom — will soar in the decades ahead, as baby boomers enter their 70s, 80s, an...Read more >
KFF Health News: Deep Flaws in FDA Oversight of Medical Devices, and Patient Harm, Exposed in Lawsuits and Records
December 21, 2023: Living with diabetes, Carlton “PeeWee” Gautney Jr. relied on a digital device about the size of a deck of playing cards to pump insulin into his bloodstream. The pump, manufactured by device maker Medtronic, connected plastic tubing to an insu...Read more >
KFF Health News: Extra Fees Drive Assisted Living Profits
November 21, 2023: Assisted living centers have become an appealing retirement option for hundreds of thousands of boomers who can no longer live independently, promising a cheerful alternative to the institutional feel of a nursing home. But their cost is so crushi...Read more >
KFF Health News: Save Billions or Stick With Humira? Drug Brokers Steer Americans to the Costly Choice
September 21, 2023: Tennessee last year spent $48 million on a single drug, Humira — about $62,000 for each of the 775 patients who were covered by its employee health insurance program and receiving the treatment. So when nine Humira knockoffs, known as biosimilars, ...Read more >
Government Watchdogs Attack Medicare Advantage for Denying Care and Overcharging
June 30, 2022: Congress should crack down on Medicare Advantage health plans for seniors that sometimes deny patients vital medical care while overcharging the government billions of dollars every year, government watchdogs told a House panel Tuesday. Witnesses ...Read more >